Monday, April 23, 2012

Worlds Hardest Riddle please Help?

I turn polar bears white

and I will make you cry.

I make guys have to pee

and girls comb their hair.

I make celebrities look stupid

and normal people look like celebrities.

I turn pancakes brown

and make your champane bubble.

If you sqeeze me, I'll pop.

If you look at me, you'll pop.

Can you guess the riddle?

97% of Harvard graduates can not figure this riddle out, but 84% of kindergarten students were able to figure this out in 6 minutes or less. Can you guess the correct answer?

Worlds Hardest Riddle please Help?

I think the answer is, "no"

If you read all the stuff (the riddle) to a kindergarten students including the LAST SENTENCE (can you guess the riddle?), which by the way is part of the riddle, of course they can't and will answer "no." The reason the harvard graduates can not figure this riddle out because they will tried to use logic, chemistry , etc. to figure it out.

Well, that's what i think

Worlds Hardest Riddle please Help?

Congratulations... You picked the BEST answer! Report It

Worlds Hardest Riddle please Help?

Good work... you picked the right "best answer"! Report It

Worlds Hardest Riddle please Help?

no is the answer. woohoo Report It

Worlds Hardest Riddle please Help?

the sun

Worlds Hardest Riddle please Help?

nothing... the answer must either be nothing.. or the truth

Worlds Hardest Riddle please Help?


Worlds Hardest Riddle please Help?

There is no answer to this question because there is no common demoninator. It's a trick.

Worlds Hardest Riddle please Help?


or nothing

Worlds Hardest Riddle please Help?

I knew I should have been a Harvard Graduate.

Worlds Hardest Riddle please Help?

I turn pancakes brown

and make your champane bubble.

These two lines mess everything up....But I'd say the Sun, light......

Worlds Hardest Riddle please Help?

your mom

Worlds Hardest Riddle please Help?

If memory serves, the last time I read a riddle that quoted a statistic like something-close-to-100%-of-(college)-stu... the answer was Christ or something. It was almost the exact same info at the end, but if it is the same, I have to believe this guy really screwed up the riddle.

Worlds Hardest Riddle please Help?


Worlds Hardest Riddle please Help?


Worlds Hardest Riddle please Help?

Im going to say the Sun. nothing else seems logical. But im still going over this in my head.

Worlds Hardest Riddle please Help?


Worlds Hardest Riddle please Help?

when trying to figured it out, it is critical to keep in mind that, according to the riddle, it is something that kids in kindergarten know and have knowledge about. looking at it, it becomes increasingly apparent that there is not an OBVIOUS common denominator. in every other riddle like this, it must be something that requires you to think of words in ways OTHER than their obvious meanings like "white- The achromatic color of maximum lightness; the color of objects that reflect nearly all light of all visible wavelengths" instead in this instance it may mean "Bloodless; blanched."

BUT this method of solving HAS to be eliminated because kids in kindergarten are not likely to know know more than one definition of a particular word, let alone be intelligent enough to reason that a riddle like this may require alternate meanings. if it is true that these kids have figured it out then, because of their level of learning and intelligence, every word has to have the most common meaning.

having parents who teach kindergarten and a brother on that level, i know that they cannot answer riddles like this; ones with complex thinking involved, usually requiring you to substitute a usual meaning for a less common meaning. furthermore, knowing how they think and how intelligent a general kid of that age is, i know that they are very visual and lack the ability to apply what we think of as "common sense." for example, ( i performed this on my brother who is this age) i had a small glass and a big glass. i filled the little glass to the top with milk and i asked him if this glass had more milk, then i poured the milk from the little glass to the big glass, thus ensuring there was the same exact amount, then asked if the big glass had more. he told me the little glass had more because the milk filled more of the cup. this shows their inability to think about the situation and apply what they know.

seeing that there are a lot of people around the states trying to figure this out without success, including professors and your average Joe, it proves that this cannot be something of "common sense" or something that doesn't require you to lose common meanings. PROVING that a kindergartener COULD NOT solve this problem.

there are many possibilities that can link some or almost all the lines and i think that's what keeps this riddle going; the fact that you can get so close to finding out but not being able to get it all the way.

because it is not something obvious, if someone actually figured out a solution to the riddle it would not be an applicable answer because a kindergartener lacks the ability to solve a problem like this. its a ghost riddle. srry people.

Worlds Hardest Riddle please Help?


Think about it. what is the most common answere for children? God made everything. they think on the most simple form. they dont use logic like a Harvard Grad. older people think with theor heads while a child thinks on with thier hearts. so the answer is God. he created everything and thus that is what children are told. so they get it right while we feel like jack arses trying to figure it out.

Worlds Hardest Riddle please Help?

The only logical answer is "NO" children that young simply lack the intellectual ability to find a logical answer. However, young children are just blunt enough to say no, without dancing around for an answer.

Worlds Hardest Riddle please Help?

hmm i dont know. the sun/heat sounded good. someone email me the answer!!! cuz i dont think the sun turns polar bears white lol

Worlds Hardest Riddle please Help?

(God)(Heat)(Ice)(Nothing)(NO)Well there is many answers i thought of but most of you are probly right from what that other guys said he made alot of sence cause we think with are heads as Little kids think of what they have been told so its probly God.

Worlds Hardest Riddle please Help?

its god

Worlds Hardest Riddle please Help?


Worlds Hardest Riddle please Help?


Worlds Hardest Riddle please Help?


Worlds Hardest Riddle please Help?

Gunna guess Pressure!

Worlds Hardest Riddle please Help?

ia say the answer is no

Worlds Hardest Riddle please Help?

It's got to be pressure.

Polar bears are white because the pressure at the poles is low, so they have to be able to absorb heat.

Pressure makes you cry if it's too much.

Pressure in your bladder makes you have to pee.

Peer pressure makes girls comb their hair...Otherwise we wouldn't bother!

Celebrities usually crack under pressure.

Many normal people will shine under pressure.

Pancakes turn brown thanks to pressure generated by the heat.

Champagne will bubble until the pressure of the carbonation has disappeared.

If you squeeze something under pressure, BAM, there it goes.

If you are "looking" at pressure, you're in it, like in an airplane, and your ears pop.

Worlds Hardest Riddle please Help?

im going to say the answer is "I"

the answer lies in the riddle itself.

EX: "I" turn the polar bears white.

"I" will make you cry.


Worlds Hardest Riddle please Help?

Mom and/or Dad. Kindergartner's are young. Most still like their parents and practically worship them. Moms and dads answer questions in such a way that it seems they can do anything. Kids are gullible. "Of course my mom can turn polar bears white!!! Can't yours?"

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