Thursday, April 26, 2012

What would you do if...?

1 The President of the United States called you:

2 You won the lottery:

3 You got invited to be on a reality TV show:

4 You caught a friend stealing from you:

5 You witnessed a murder:

6 A random stranger offered you candy:

7 Yahoo closed:

8 A genie granted you one wish:

9 You lost your favorite possession:

10 You found 10 dollars on the ground:

11 Your date throws up on you:

12 Someone cut off a chunk of your hair:

13 Your favorite celebrity comes to visit you:

14 You were stranded on an island with nothing but the ability to make one phone call:

What would you do if...?

1 i'd say "what the hell do you want?".

2 i'd move out of this apartment building and buy my own place

3 it depends on what type of reality show it is

4 first i'd ask why and then take it from there.

5 it depends on who died and who killed them

6 i wouldn't take it, or i'd take it and throw it away

7 i'd get an AOL address

8 what would i need a genie for if i already won the lottery on question #2?

9 i'd look for it everywhere and if i couldn't find it eventually then i guess i'd just buy another one

10 put it in my pocket and keep it

11 i'd go straight home and change into something else then i'd ask her if she has any idea what could've made her so sick and ask her if she needs to go to the hospital

12 first i'd kick their ***, then i'd just cut the rest of it the same length and let it grow back

13 "this is so cool! do you wanna go hang out, you want me to show you around town?"

14 i'd call my mom and step dad and try my best to give them directions to where i am.

What would you do if...?

1 The President of the United States called you: nothing

2 You won the lottery: shopping spree!!

3 You got invited to be on a reality TV show: call my best friend

4 You caught a friend stealing from you: talk to them

5 You witnessed a murder: go straight to the police [and then witness protection]

6 A random stranger offered you candy: say no very politely

7 Yahoo closed: die

8 A genie granted you one wish: ask for three more

9 You lost your favorite possession: go on with life

10 You found 10 dollars on the ground: donate it

11 Your date throws up on you: smack em

12 Someone cut off a chunk of your hair: punch them in the face

13 Your favorite celebrity comes to visit you: scream

14 You were stranded on an island with nothing but the ability to make one phone call: call my best friend

What would you do if...?

1. I would ask him what he plans to do when he leaves the White House.

2. I would invest most of it, give a lot to my parents for a new house, cars, etc. and then go on a shopping spree with about 1 million dollars and stock up on all the stuff I have ever wanted.

3. I would love it! I would train like a mad man to get in the best shape of my life and count the days till it started.

4. I would confront him and possibly end the relationship.

5. I would go tell authorities immediately.

6. I would take it and say thank you, then turn around and throw it in a trash can.

7. I would be sad for a while then I would just start an account on hotmail or some other email site.

8. I would wish that I would never be short on money ever again.

9. I would cry and franticly search for the item and if I never found it I would get over after a while I guess.

10. Pick it up, look around to make sure no one saw me take it, and pocket it.

11. lol, I would run to the bathroom and clean up, maybe even throw up myself because thats nasty, and then go make sure she is ok.

12. I would be pissed! And then I would get a hat and wear it until it grew back or go to the barber and have him fix it as good as he can.

13. I would play video games with him, sit and talk, have dinner and just hang out like I would with my friends.

14. I would call my mom and tell her to come find me.

What would you do if...?

1) Tell him what an idiot he is.

2) Get rid of all my worries.

3) no thanks.

4) Be dissappointed

5) Have nightmares

6)Think: What is he up to? and leave

7) Find somewhere else to hang around online.

8) Grwoing old with my hubby

9) Try to get over it.

10) do some shopping

11) join him

12) Cut the rest off aswell

13) be excited

14) phone 911

What would you do if...?

1 The President of the United States called you: Say hello

2 You won the lottery: Buy a house, take a vacation, go shopping.

3 You got invited to be on a reality TV show: decline

4 You caught a friend stealing from you: depends what they were stealing, although i wouldnt call someone my friend if they were stealing.

5 You witnessed a murder: call the police

6 A random stranger offered you candy: ignore them, my dad taught me better then that.

7 Yahoo closed: ? nothing.

8 A genie granted you one wish: wish to win the lotto

9 You lost your favorite possession: cry

10 You found 10 dollars on the ground: pick it up and put it in my wallet

11 Your date throws up on you: throw up

12 Someone cut off a chunk of your hair: cry

13 Your favorite celebrity comes to visit you: jump for joy

14 You were stranded on an island with nothing but the ability to make one phone call: call my boyfriend to come rescue me

What would you do if...?

1:think it was my cuz playing a prank

2:die of heartattack

3:depends on the show

4:kick her a***(been there done that )

5:depends on who the victim was and if i liked them or not

6:eat it

7:find something else to do

8:wish my children eternal happiness

9:cry or get mad

10:see if it was anyone's ,if not spend it

11:puke back on em

12:kick their a***

13:rape him lol

14:call my mommy(couldnt call home ,knew phone would be busy ,daughter is on the phone)

What would you do if...?

1. Ask him for a limo.

2. Travel everywhere around the world.

3. Make people remember me.

4. Kick his/her a.s.s

5. Depends on the person he/she killed. If it was a friend of mine then I'll hunt down and kill the murderer, if it was an enemy I'll thank the killer and complain why didn't left some of the fun for me.

6. If the stranger is hot, then he/she will be my candy

7. Punch my monitor

8. Rule the world and make everyone my slave

9. Get drunk

10. I got my own money, I don't need them

11. Punch the crap out of them then leave.

12. Scream Bloody Murder

13. Get down with them

14. Call my lover to live with me on the island

What would you do if...?

1. i'd hang up

2. buy an island and invite all my friends to live there.

3. i'd decline

4. i'd be sad.

5. i actually did hear a murder being committed, but i thought it was two people just arguing.

6. i might take it, and throw it away later.

7. i don't even want to think about that!

8. it might sound stupid, but world peace,

9. idk. probably cry.

10. i'd look around to see if anyone was looking on the ground like they lost something. if no, then i'd keep it.

11. i'd probably throw up on him.

12. i'd be really p1ssed and wait for them to go to sleep. paybacks are hell!

13. if i saw jeff gordon or jake gyllenhall at my door, i'd probably pee my pants.

14. i'd save the phone call till i really needed it.

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