Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Riddle still don't get it!?

I turn polar bears white,

And I will make you cry.

I make guys have to pee,

And girls comb their hair.

I make celebrities look stupid,

And normal people look like celebrities.

I turn pancakes brown,

And make your champagne bubble.

If you squeeze me, I will pop.

If you look at me, you will pop.

Can you guess the riddle?

Riddle still don't get it!?

No, I cannot answer this riddle.

By the way

(That is the proper answer)

Explanation: Because you asked, 閳ユゥan you guess the riddle?閳?Which would only need a yes or no answer and there is no actual answer I have answered your question.

Riddle still don't get it!?

It says can you guess the riddle?

The answer can be yes or no

Yes I can guess the riddle but No it won't be correct

In an e-mail I received apparently a really high % of Harvard graduates couldn't figure it out but loads of kindergarten kids could!!

Riddle still don't get it!?

The "correct" answer, is "No, I cannot guess the riddle." This one is pretty old. And I find it amusing that a riddle which depends so heavily on semantics asks "Can you guess the riddle?" Because you don't guess the riddle. You guess the answer to the riddle. Ordinarily, I wouldn't bother to point that out. But like I said, the riddle itself insists on semantics.

Riddle still don't get it!?


Riddle still don't get it!?

No,I can't guess this riddle.

Riddle still don't get it!?

Yea, eventually, people will just start posting the answer to this everyday so no one asks.

In a way tho, sun works.

Polar bears are white to reflect the sun

The sun makes your eyes tear if you look at it

People have weird reactions to the sun, like sneezing, I wouldn't be surprised if it made people have to pee

Humidity from the sun makes girls hair frizzy, so they comb it

Celebrities look stupid with sunburns

People look like celebrities with suntans

The sun could turn pancakes brown on a hot day

If the sun heats your champagne to a hot enough temperature it'll bubble

If you were to squeeze the sun ( if you were a giant, without buring to death) it could pop

If you stare at the sun at close range, you'd probably pop

Riddle still don't get it!?

the answer is no.

the last line of the ridde says can you guess the riddle.

i can NOT guess it (because there is nothing that does that).

or i CAN guess it, but i wont get it right.

get it now?

hope i helped



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