Monday, April 16, 2012

Riddle? cant figure it out can you?

I turn polar bears white

And I will make you cry.

I make guys have to pee

And girls comb their hair.

I make celebrities look stupid

And normal people look like celebrities.

I turn pancakes brown

And make your champane bubble.

If you sqeeze me, I'll pop.

If you look at me, you'll pop.

Can you guess the riddle?

Riddle? cant figure it out can you?

The answer is pressure like people have said before. It however, can also be no as if you look at the last line the question is 'can you guess this riddle'.

Lastly, it is light (or sunlight)

light makes polar bears clear hair shafts appear white

light makes your eyes water

light first thing in the morning...guy gets out of bed to pee and girl combs her hair

light makes celebrities look stupid since it shed light on their antics

light makes normal people look like celebrities by putting them in the spotlight

pancakes brown, they are no longer light

expose champagne to light and it bubbles

if you squeeze a lightbulb, it pops

can't figure last line but know that staring at sunlight is very bad for your eyes

Riddle? cant figure it out can you?

sun? heat? makeup?

Riddle? cant figure it out can you?

Please. This thing's been posted over 800 times on Y/A. Some say time. Some say pressure. Some say there is no answer.

Riddle? cant figure it out can you?


Riddle? cant figure it out can you?

This riddle came out 5 years ago on the internet.. it was later given to university students to have a guess at, juts for fun - almost none of them answered it correctly.

The last line of the riddle states "Can you solve the riddle?"


Also, if the answer was so deeply embedded in the riddle and the answer was, in fact, TIME OR PRESSURE.. I am amazed at how smart kindergarten children are these days.

The answer is "NO" because a kindergarten child would have quickly responded to the last line of the riddle - "Can you solve this riddle?" - "No!!!"

That is why the answer to the riddle is "NO".

Riddle? cant figure it out can you?

Pressure or time, DUH!!!!

Riddle? cant figure it out can you?


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