Friday, April 20, 2012

Hard riddle. help?

I turn polar bears white

And I will make you cry.

I make guys have to pee

And girls comb their hair.

I make celebrities look stupid

And normal people look like celebrities.

I turn pancakes brown

And make your champane bubble.

If you sqeeze me, I'll pop.

If you look at me, you'll pop.

Can you guess the riddle?

Hard riddle. help?

my johnson

Hard riddle. help?


Hard riddle. help?

its true what the last person said, the answer is no. lol

Hard riddle. help?

time =]

Hard riddle. help?


The Answer is "NO!"

Hard riddle. help?


If you look at every question its time. Polar bears are not born white, everybody has to pee, pancakes turn brown, champane has to wait to bubble.... All of the above considers one thing. TIME

*UPDATE* you guys are all idiots that gave me a thumbs down.

Of coure I know its not TIME or GOD or altittude. The answer to her question is actually *YES*. Nobody can solve the riddle. SOLVE being the key word, thats the question. Why cant you guess the riddle?

How is that wrong? Its a totally different question. The answer cant be NO, because anybody can guess. That is the question she asked. She didnt asked if it could be solved, the question said can you guess. Am I the only one that picked up on that?

I picked TIME for her. But according to this riddle the answer is YES. There is only one question. CAN YOU GUESS THE RIDDLE? The answer is YES you can guess anything you want.

Hard riddle. help?


Hard riddle. help?

I give up

Hard riddle. help?

bleach? vinegar? a camera? those things fit some of the riddle but not all of it....

Hard riddle. help?


Hard riddle. help?

No... Um you lost me... Sorry!

Hard riddle. help?

what is....the cold? or time?

Hard riddle. help?

your alkaselser

Hard riddle. help?

This is about the twentieth time I've seen this on YA, and I have yet to hear a better answer than there's no solution. For one thing, the only thing that turns polar bears white is their genetics, and I can't really see how polar bear genetics can make guys pee or girls comb their hair.

Hard riddle. help?

The answer is "No" because I can't guess the answer to the riddle

Hard riddle. help?

um ask this girl she's the one who came up with it and she had the answer on her profile...but she took it off.

Hard riddle. help?

The answer is "time".....

TIME The time has come, winter is here and those yellow bears disappear. The time has past as man looks back with a sigh and a tear in his eye. As time is held boys cross their legs but of course the toilet begs As time marches on Girls loose their blush and swap a comb for their brush As time passes For those held high their end is nigh As time catches up Everyone is equal when we get to the final sequel As time turns Without it we have flour and water With it we have breakfast for my daughter As time revolves How does one turn water and wine into something so fine As time runs out The more in a minute you try and squeeze the less you can do with ease. As time ticks All the time that has past man cannot comprehend something so vast

Hard riddle. help?

most liekly time. the whole, pop thing, could be like if your travel through time. ya know?? =]

Hard riddle. help?

the answer is no. the reason that 99% of kindergarteners got it right and 1% of college students did not, or whatever the statistics were, is because they said "no" after being asked if they could guess the riddle, instead of trying to guess it. bummer, huh?

Hard riddle. help?


Hard riddle. help?

no, this is or was known as the worlds hardest riddle but the answer is no

Hard riddle. help?


but i think its hormones

Hard riddle. help?

If you want the answer look it up. Stop posting the same riddle

Hard riddle. help?


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