Saturday, April 14, 2012

Does any one know the answer to this riddle?

I turn polar bears white

and I will make you cry.

I make guys have to pee

and girls comb their hair.

I make celebrities look stupid

and normal people look like celebrities.

I turn pancakes brown

and make your champane bubble.

If you sqeeze me, I'll pop.

If you look at me, you'll pop.

I got this from a myspace bulliten and i cant figure it out at the end of the bulliten it also said 97% of Harvard graduates can not figure this riddle out,

but 84% of kindergarten students were able to figure this out in 6 minutes or less. Can some one please tell me the answer!!! thanks

Does any one know the answer to this riddle?

The answer's NOTHING because:

Polar bears are white already,

People cry about nothing

Guys always have to pee

Girls comb their hair anyway

Celebrities look stupids anyway

Nothing makes people look like celebs

Pancakes are brown anyway

Champagne bubbles anyway

Nothing makes you pop if you look at it.

Does any one know the answer to this riddle?

No, or Nothing

Does any one know the answer to this riddle?

air or carbon

Does any one know the answer to this riddle?

idk u got me

Does any one know the answer to this riddle?

good luck with that.

Does any one know the answer to this riddle?


Does any one know the answer to this riddle?

Those are some smart kindergarten kids! Those Harvard people are probably thinking too hard, that's why they can't get it. I can't get it etheir, so good luck and kudos to anyone who gets it!!!

Does any one know the answer to this riddle?

yes everyone knows the answer it has been on line here for months....

Does any one know the answer to this riddle?

The sun? hmm good one, you have to get back to us with an answer to that one, go ask your lil sis or bro.

Does any one know the answer to this riddle?


Does any one know the answer to this riddle?

plastic or static

Does any one know the answer to this riddle?

i don't know

Does any one know the answer to this riddle?


Does any one know the answer to this riddle?


Does any one know the answer to this riddle?

is it only one answer for all or do you answer each question separately

Does any one know the answer to this riddle?

I've been thinking about this one and I'm really p*ssed off about it. Do you want to know why????

There is nothing, I repeat %26gt;NOTHING, that will "pop" you if you look at it.

This is the stupidest riddle ever and I give up in complete and utter frustration.

Good Luck to you (and to all you know-it-all weirdo's who think you know the answer even though there can't be one)

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