Friday, April 20, 2012

Can you answer every riddle right??

1) If you were to spell out numbers, how far would you have to go until you would find the letter "A"?

2) What is the longest word that can be made using the letters on only one row of the keyboard?

3) twins they are, bonded in a way....

kissing all the time, so they can cross their way.

4) There are three cows. One large, one medium and one small. Which one is the father?

5) What goes up and down but never moves??

6) Always smiles or maybe frowns, Sinks in water, never drowns. Catches prey on its barbed teeth. Hunts all day but never eats.

7) I turn polar bears white

and I will make you cry.

I make guys have to pee

and girls comb their hair.

I make celebrities look stupid

and normal people look like celebrities.

I turn pancakes brown

and make your champane bubble.

If you sqeeze me, I'll pop.

If you look at me, you'll pop.

Can you guess the riddle?

8) What's the dot over an i called?

You have to say the answer and then tell why that is the answer and how it makes sense!! GL

Can you answer every riddle right??

1. one thousand

2. typewriter

3. scissors

4. none they are cows not bulls

5. staircase

6. fish hook


Can you answer every riddle right??

1.there are no letter "a"'s in any numbers

2.noooooooooooo clue


4.the samll one because it takes up less room and would take an extra step to get close to.


6.barbed wire? idea.. clue.

Can you answer every riddle right??

#6 is a shark...i want the answers...tell me...

Can you answer every riddle right??

ya I can

1. One thousand (because thats the first number that has the letter a in it.)

2. typewriter (its the longest word that you can make off the top row of the keyboard)

3.scissors (because thats just the answer I don't really know how to explain it)

4. none of them (because cows are girls and bulls are boys)

5.the temperature (also could be the stock market)

6.a Fish hook (Always smiles or maybe frowns.

It depends on which way you're holding it.

Sinks in water, never drowns. It's used in water.

Catches prey on its barbed teeth. That's what it's there for.

Hunts all day but never eats. Catches the fish but doesn't eat them. )

7. no I can't (the answer to the only question in the riddle)

8.the dot over the letter "i" and "j" for that matter is called a tittle:(

tit璺痶le ( t楣縯閳ユ笓) n. 1. Linguistics A small diacritic mark, such as an accent, a vowel mark, or a dot over an i. 2. The tiniest bit; an iota. [Middle English titil from Medieval Latin titulus diacritical mark from Latin title, superscription]

Can you answer every riddle right??

1. one thousAnd

2. typewriter?

3. ???

4. cows are female...the father would be a bull.

5. tempurature

6. shark

7. pressure

8. a dot

Can you answer every riddle right?? thousAnd


3. scissors?

5. stairs?

7. pressure?

for the rest, i have no idea. :).

Can you answer every riddle right??

1. thousAnd (count and you'll find out)

2. typewriter (across the top row)


4. neither. cows are female (what's to explain?)




8. a "tittle"

Blank on the remainder.

Can you answer every riddle right?? hundred And one...when you spell it there is the word and it it and it contains an a

2.on the first row i found quiter but im not sure if that the longest...its a word

3.i dont get doesnt make sense

4.cows are all females...cuz it just does

5.the screen? never moves you just move the page up and down...idk if that makes any sense

6.a shark...its a sharks nature

7.pressure/time...i've heard it before and those are the most common answers, i was gonna put no cuz thats another one but i dont know how that makes sense sorry idk this one

Can you answer every riddle right??

yes i can

Can you answer every riddle right??

1.One Thousand, because thousand has an "A" in it, and It is the first one

2.Typewriter, because it can be spelled with just the top row

3.An Intersection? Because they are identical (the roads), they are "kissing", and things cross them.

4.None of them ,Boy cows (fathers) are bulls, not cows

5.The Stock Market? Because the Stock market never moves, but it goes up and down. Or it could be Temperature, because it goes up and down, but doesn't move

6.A trap? because traps hunt all day but never eat, and sink in water (usually), they can "smile" or "frown" and they have barbed teeth

7."No", you can't guess the riddle

8. Tittle,

By the way my 10-year-old sister guessed #5 and #3...

Can you answer every riddle right??

1. One thousand .. cause thousand has the first A

2. proprietary..

3. im stumped on this one...

4. None cows are all female, bulls are male

5. Temperature

6. Boat anchor...?? not sure

7. NO

8. Um... no idea

Can you answer every riddle right??

7. eveultion????????

Can you answer every riddle right??

1. One Thousand, you will not see an the letter "a" until you reach one thousand.

2. Typewriter

3. An Intersection

4. None, cows are female.

5. Temperature

6. A Fish Hook, it depends on the way you are holding it and it never drowns. It catches prey on it's barbed teeth (the hook...).

7. There are two answers. "Time" or "No"

8. A Tittle

Can you answer every riddle right??

1. One hundred And one

2. Typewriter

3. scissors

4. None, cows are female.

5. Temperature

6. A Fish Hook

7. "No"

8. A Tittle

Can you answer every riddle right??

i can only anser #7... No. That was posted already 3x or more! and #1, 1,000.

Can you answer every riddle right??


I 'm studying English . Could you send me the right answers to my Email address ? These are very useful to improve my English .

Thank you a lot .

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