Saturday, April 14, 2012

Can n e one figure out this riddle.....?

I turn polar bears white

And I will make you cry.

I make guys have to pee

And girls comb their hair.

I make celebrities look stupid

And normal people look like celebrities.

I turn pancakes brown

And make your champane bubble.

If you sqeeze me, I'll pop.

If you look at me, you'll pop.

Can you guess the riddle?...................

97% of Harvard graduates can not figure this riddle out,

But 84% of kindergarten students were able to figure this out,

In 6 minutes or less.

Can you guess the riddle? i have no clue whatsoever can u help me!!!PLEASE!!

Can n e one figure out this riddle.....?

It's nothing.

Can n e one figure out this riddle.....?

ummmm thats a tough one the sun???

Can n e one figure out this riddle.....?


The time has come,

winter is here

and those yellow bears disapear.

(...I turn polar bears white )

The time has past

as man looks back with a sigh

and a tear in his eye.

(...and I will make you cry.)

As time is held

boys cross their legs

but of course the toilet begs

(...I make guys have to pee)

As time marches on

Girls loose their blush

and swap a comb for their brush

(...and girls comb their hair.)

As time passes

For those held high

their end is nigh

(...I make celebrities look stupid )

As time catches up

Everyone is equal

when we get to the final sequal

(...and normal people look like celebrities.)

As time turns

Without it we have flour and water

With it we have breakfast for my daughter

(...I turn pancakes brown )

As time revolves

How does one turn water and wine

into something so fine

)...and make your champane bubble.)

As time runs out

The more in a minute you try and squeeze

the less you can do with ease.

(...If you sqeeze me, I'll pop. )

As time ticks

All the time that has past

man cannot comprehand something so vast.

(...If you look at me, you'll pop. )

Cool huh? Well I hope I get picked best answer!

Can n e one figure out this riddle.....?

there is no answer, this is just an impossible riddle

Can n e one figure out this riddle.....?

How can lil kinder gardeners figure this out when n I'm in f'n 8th grade! Man now I want to know the answer! RRRR so frustrating lol


Can n e one figure out this riddle.....?

Answer is NO, look at the last line of the riddle.

That's why Kindergarden students can answer it because a Harvard graduate will analyze the riddle ...

A Kindergardener will answer it .... No.


Can n e one figure out this riddle.....?

Snow or wind?

Can n e one figure out this riddle.....?

The answer is No. the last line of the riddle is....? " Can you guess the riddle?" so No is the answer

Can n e one figure out this riddle.....?

the answer is nothing i heard the same riddle, eventually they told us it was nothing

Can n e one figure out this riddle.....?

light (or sunlight)

light makes polar bears clear hair shafts appear white

light makes your eyes water

light first thing in the morning...guy gets out of bed to pee and girl combs her hair

light makes celebrities look stupid since it shed light on their antics

light makes normal people look like celebrities by putting them in the spotlight

pancakes brown, they are no longer light

expose champagne to light and it bubbles

if you squeeze a lightbulb, it pops

can't figure last line but know that staring at sunlight is very bad for your eyes

Can n e one figure out this riddle.....?


"Can you guess the riddle?..................."

NO, I CANNOT is the answer

Can n e one figure out this riddle.....?

the answer quite simply is "No."

Q: can you guess this riddle?

A: No!

harvard graduates read way into it, and try to figure out what this object is. the riddle doesnt even ask you what it is. it's a "yes or no" riddle, and that is what throws people off.

Can n e one figure out this riddle.....?

the answer is no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this was a hard one but it was very good star for you

Can n e one figure out this riddle.....?

It's time.

Polar bears (IIRC) are born yellowish, and turn white when they grow up (which takes time);

When old folks reminisce of times gone by, it can make them cry;

It takes time to fill a man's bladder after having a few beers;

A lady's hair can gets pretty mussed up after a few hours of not combing it;

Age and time blunt the talents of celebrities;

Likewise, it takes time to practice one's art, which is a good way to become a celebrity;

It takes time to cook pancakes and to ferment grapes into wine;

If you try to squeeze too much into an hour or day you'll feel like it "popped" or has passed you by;

And if you look too long at time and its vastness, your brain will feel like it's "popped" from all the stress

or maybe the answer is no. the only question asked is can you guess the riddle... no i can't

Can n e one figure out this riddle.....?

time? dunno.. com back later

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