Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The World's Hardest Riddle!?

The World's Hardest Riddle

I turn polar bears white

And I will make you cry.

I make guys have to pee

And girls comb their hair.

I make celebrities look stupid

And normal people look like celebrities.

I turn pancakes brown

And make your champagne bubble.

If you squeeze me, I'll pop.

If you look at me, you'll pop.

Can you guess the riddle?

97% of Harvard graduates can not figure this riddle out,

But 84% of kindergarten students were able to figure this out,

In 6 minutes or less.

Can you guess the riddle?

PLZ help!

The World's Hardest Riddle!?


the answer is NO

The World's Hardest Riddle!?

im am going to say this calmly


The World's Hardest Riddle!?


The World's Hardest Riddle!?


The World's Hardest Riddle!?

i say wind

The World's Hardest Riddle!?

the answer is no

The World's Hardest Riddle!?

Hmmm, well other than what everyone else has already said, maybe it's a picture?

The World's Hardest Riddle!?

The sun?

The World's Hardest Riddle!?

I got this off of http://msgboard.snopes.com. It's a more detailed explanation.

It's time.

Polar bears (IIRC) are born yellowish, and turn white when they grow up (which takes time);

When old folks reminisce of times gone by, it can make them cry;

It takes time to fill a man's bladder after having a few beers;

A lady's hair can gets pretty mussed up after a few hours of not combing it;

Age and time blunt the talents of celebrities;

Likewise, it takes time to practice one's art, which is a good way to become a celebrity;

It takes time to cook pancakes and to ferment grapes into wine;

If you try to squeeze too much into an hour or day you'll feel like it "popped" or has passed you by;

And if you look too long at time and its vastness, your brain will feel like it's "popped" from all the stress.

The World's Hardest Riddle!?

i think im going to commit sucide. 6 time i heard it today. LOOK AT THE OLD ANSWERS!

The World's Hardest Riddle!?


For the 500009987763847747 millionth time its...


And for the next question the answer is TIME!

And the next...........TIME!



The World's Hardest Riddle!?

no,i can't guess the riddle,and no is the answer.

Really??Harvard graduates can't figure it out,but 5 year olds can??weird.....

The World's Hardest Riddle!?

Seriously here people i have seen this question posted 534579457219752675291 times in the last week its starting to get irritating!

NO no one can answer it so just google it or something please!

The World's Hardest Riddle!?

omg this is so old. the answer is NO. look at the last question. kindergartners said no, because they couldn't guess the riddle.

the answer couldn't be time retards, do u really think 5 year olds could come up with that, but Harvard grads couldn't??

The World's Hardest Riddle!?

The answer is no, I can't guess the riddle.

The World's Hardest Riddle!?

answer:(da da dada da dadaaaaaaaaaa)NOOOOOOOOOOoooo.

The World's Hardest Riddle!?

Can you guess the riddle?


The World's Hardest Riddle!?

it is time

The World's Hardest Riddle!?

ok ur like the billionth person i've seen with this ques

ok you see the last line

"can you guess the riddle?"

i swere the answer is no cuz none of the fragments above it is the tru question......they all sound like "time" but the real question of the riddle is

can you guess %26lt;what is%26gt; the riddle?

its designed to mess with your mind

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