Friday, April 20, 2012

Can you guess the riddle? ?

i turn polar bears white

and I will make you cry.

I make guys have to pee

and girls comb their hair.

I make celebrities look stupid

and normal people look like celebrities.

I turn pancakes brown

and make your champane bubble.

If you sqeeze me, I'll pop.

If you look at me, you'll pop.

Can you guess the riddle?


Can you guess the riddle? %26lt;PLEASE HELP%26gt;?

pressure works.

Polar bears are white because the pressure at the poles is low, so they have to be able to absorb heat.

Pressure makes you cry if it's too much.

Pressure in your bladder makes you have to pee.

Peer pressure makes girls comb their hair...Otherwise we wouldn't bother!

Celebrities usually crack under pressure.

Many normal people will shine under pressure.

Pancakes turn brown thanks to pressure generated by the heat.

Champagne will bubble until the pressure of the carbonation has disappeared.

If you squeeze something under pressure, BAM, there it goes.

If you are "looking" at pressure, you're in it, like in an airplane, and your ears pop.

but i think its no, cuz the question is "can u answer this riddle" and i cant ,so i say no

Can you guess the riddle? %26lt;PLEASE HELP%26gt;?

it snow, i read it in a riddle book and then looked up the answer..i still dont get it but it says that the answer is SNOW..

Can you guess the riddle? %26lt;PLEASE HELP%26gt;?


Can you guess the riddle? %26lt;PLEASE HELP%26gt;?

hmmmm dunno. srry. now i won't sleep cauze i'll be thinking about it thanx to you

Can you guess the riddle? %26lt;PLEASE HELP%26gt;?

The answer is 'No'. People read the whole parragraph but don't realize the only question asked is wether you can guess the riddle, you can't the answer is 'No'. You have to answer the question at the end.

Can you guess the riddle? %26lt;PLEASE HELP%26gt;?

the answer is snow

1. Polar bears turn white from the snow

2. Snow when it hits you will make you cry, also you will cry if you have to drive in it.

3. Guys love to pee their names in the snow, go figure

4. the static from falling snow makes girls hair frizz

5. snow does make celebs look stupid in thier winter wear

6. normal people look like celebs out playing in the snow

7. nothing says pancakes more than a snowy morning

8. on a snowy December 31 night, we drink champane

9. Snow does pop when you squeeze it

10. You pop when you look at snow because its so bright it hurts your eyes

hope that helped to explain it.

Can you guess the riddle? %26lt;PLEASE HELP%26gt;?

Yes it is snow, and what is snow? WATER.

Can you guess the riddle? %26lt;PLEASE HELP%26gt;?

You might find the link below interesting ; )

Can you guess the riddle? %26lt;PLEASE HELP%26gt;?

The answer is "nothing." No one thing can do all of those things. Therefore, the answer is nothing.

Can you guess the riddle? %26lt;PLEASE HELP%26gt;?

well im not sure about the the rest of the riddle, but im pretty sure that snow turns polar bears' fur to white. coz these bears naturally have transparent fur, so in the polar region these furs turn white because they reflect the color of snow.

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