Wednesday, May 9, 2012

John Edwards $400 haircut?

Who does he think he is? If this is any indication of how he's planning on managing the budget he lost my vote.

I have no link, I saw a brief story about how he got a celebrity stylist from LA come to him twice to cut his hair. That's $800 in haircuts. I have a family to feed and I spend less on groceries for 2 months.

John Edwards $400 haircut?

what business is it or yours how he spends his personal money???

John Edwards $400 haircut?

Do as I say, not as I do.

John Edwards $400 haircut?

$400? what did he do to it put extensions? i find this rather hard to believe

John Edwards $400 haircut?

Who gives a flying F%$# how people spend their own money?

John Edwards $400 haircut?

It's his contribution to his two americas bit. Obviously he knows which side to live on.

John Edwards $400 haircut?

Well, you're not a crazy rich lawyer who has an image to maintain.. :) Kerry was just as bad. These guys have so much dough that is a drop in the bucket to them, they have nothing in common with a normal family man.

John Edwards $400 haircut?

I guess this sort of shoots is man of the people image all to hell

John Edwards $400 haircut?

It's on drudge...hilarious...and $238 for salon services...what a F'n pretty boy...I want my Pres getting a $15 hair cut at the barber...btw it WASN'T his personal money or it wouldn't have been on the campaign finance

John Edwards $400 haircut?

So, the rich spend more, don't they? isn't that how repubs do tax guts? prime the pump style? how much does every other politician spend on haircuts and electricity?

John Edwards $400 haircut?

WHO CARES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

John Edwards $400 haircut?

Rich people do outlandish things like this all the time. Going after john edwards only is not fair considering other wealthy politicos and wealthy people in general have done either the same type of thing or worse.

John Edwards $400 haircut?

Who cares??? Travel time + cut and probably highlights = none of my beeswax.

John Edwards $400 haircut?

He is an arrogant rich trial attorney. These rich liberals do not want me to rise above my station in life. This is what the haircut symbolized.

John Edwards $400 haircut?

John Edwards is a very rich man. A $7 haircut to me is probably more out of my net worth than a $400 haircut is to him.

John Edwards $400 haircut?

I saw this on AOL news yesterday. It was not his personal money he was spending. It was campaign money and it is ridiculous.

John Edwards $400 haircut?

Just remember he is supposed to be the working man's candidate for president. Oh and he is also a huge backer of the global warming trend with the idea that we need to conserve energy, but yet he has a 28,000 square foot house that he just built.

John Edwards $400 haircut?

Imagine how much he's going to have to spend for a pair of cojones?

John Edwards $400 haircut?

Doesn't it just amaze you how people like him talk about helping the poor in this country and then turn around and waste money like that!! I guess starving children and the poor only come 2nd to his nice hair..

John Edwards $400 haircut?

Seriously, what do these dems know about the poor? Absolutely nothing and I'm shocked Libs and support this guy. Why doesn't he just have 40 homeless people line up and have $10 hair cuts... wouldn't that be better?

"Do as I say and not what I do" Liberal motto to live by. Makes me wish I was a Libs if I can get away with this.

John Edwards $400 haircut?

I don't care how he spends HIS money. It's how he'll spend MY tax money if elected that concerns me.

John Edwards $400 haircut?

Let me guess, you care more about this haircut than you do bush's war, which has cost us hundreds of billions of dollars......who the hell does bush think he is???

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