Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Why are men allowed to gain weight but women are not allowed to??

Men talk about this woman being fat, or that woman gained weight, now why are men allowed to have a beer belly and a huge behind, while if their g/f or wife or sister gains weight they start to nag about their bodies??

Is it because they watch a lot of Hollywood celebrities with their fine bodies and perfect hair, that they want all women to be the same??

Why are men allowed to gain weight but women are not allowed to??

I don't think is a generalisation anymore. This is how the majority of society thinks.. Their mentality is that a woman is supposed to be beautiful - in just about every aspect of her appearance - and when a woman has a flaw in her appearance (particularly her weight) then she will the subject of scrutiny and and critisized because she does not (or no longer) fits the mould that celebrities and the media have created for us. Also, womens bodies and beauty is emphasized much more than it is for men, meaning most larger men can get away with their beer bellies and not be subjected to the scrutiny which women are. I do think that some large men do get crap about their weight but it's a very small percentage compared to women.

Why are men allowed to gain weight but women are not allowed to??

That's really opposite of the fact. There is increasing pressure from the media for males to have increasingly thinner and more defined bodies.

Why are men allowed to gain weight but women are not allowed to??

Well I'm one of the men who have gained weight and now lost most of it and I don't have a huge behind lol

I think it's just the hollywood influence of the perfect women that you see all the time. I try not to say much about things like that as they can only get you into trouble.

Why are men allowed to gain weight but women are not allowed to??

hey beautiful

to all the men out there!! its not what is on the outside of the person but the inside that counts... weather you look disgusting and have the biggest body... if you have a nice personlaity then thats all that matters.. because in the eyes of the ppl that matter..the ppl that love you.. you will still look gorgez!!......

Why are men allowed to gain weight but women are not allowed to??

None is allowed... be in shape keep healthy

Why are men allowed to gain weight but women are not allowed to??

who said so?

lots of females insist that their partner is fit, niether too thin nor fat, so men are under pressure also.

I am not allowed to have supper :) even though i was never fat, or even close to that.

I think men are also under pressure, the problem is that once married, they take things for granted. she wont/cannt leave me so what the hell.

so it takes the women some extra effort to keep the man in shape, or simply say it loud.

no sex till ur below this weight lol. u will be amazed h fast he will lose the extra weight hahaha.

Why are men allowed to gain weight but women are not allowed to??

good question...yes...why why why????

Why are men allowed to gain weight but women are not allowed to??

Okay Ghanouge , the gloves are off ! You are buying into a fight here !

I will admit that men can become "comfortable " once they settle into the routine of married life but c'mon , be fair.....we aren't all beer drinking slobs just as your comment about women gaining weight is a generalisation !

I reckon the truth lies somewhere in the middle %26amp; both men %26amp; women need to be more diet conscious as we get older %26amp; less active !

As for being critical of women over the weight issue , it would take a braver man than I'll ever be to make a statement like that , especially within earshot of a woman !

Why are men allowed to gain weight but women are not allowed to??

i agree with aussie :)

Why are men allowed to gain weight but women are not allowed to??

I don't know but the women are the beauty and everything considering beauty.

Why are men allowed to gain weight but women are not allowed to??

i agree with Josh

+ i also agree with kate

why? why ? why

but Aussie has the answer

and for the third time

i agree

Why are men allowed to gain weight but women are not allowed to??

no one is allowed

Why are men allowed to gain weight but women are not allowed to??

I thought I answered this Q before [ where is the answer gh ? ha ? ]

ok I think it's wrong , it's our choice to be thin or chabby and others should respect it , no one should irritate any one with his opinion about the perfect shape .

Why are men allowed to gain weight but women are not allowed to??

men can gain weight without having to worry . women worry because they want to look good. all we see today is super thin models,actress,TV hosts . women are self conscious about their selves. men aren't.

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