Tuesday, May 1, 2012

UK mums only. Is it just me or are other new mums getting fed up with Myleene Klass?!?

She just seems to be everywhere at the moment, promoting her new book/CD about how fabulous it is to be a mum while looking all slim and well-rested. Speaking as a mum to a baby girl; there are days when I don't even get the chance to wash my hair until my boyfriend gets home! I just think that celebrity mums have no idea what it's like to look after a young child in the "real world" (i.e. with no nannies or personal trainers!) and it annoys me when they assume that everyone is fascinated by their pregnancies or parenting advice. Just had to get that off my chest and wondered if anyone else feels the same?

UK mums only. Is it just me or are other new mums getting fed up with Myleene Klass?!?

I've never liked her. Fame has just gone right to her head.

Edit - Once in a department store I was pushing my little one in his buggy and we were waiting to get in to the lift and because i was in front of her she got all huffy and gave my little one such a filthy look, I could have slapped her.

No normal working mum looks like that and does what she does without palming there kid off onto someone else.

UK mums only. Is it just me or are other new mums getting fed up with Myleene Klass?!?

I'm only 17 but I do get your point. I hate all that cliche stuff when celebrities always go "I'm just like any other normal person, honest!"

UK mums only. Is it just me or are other new mums getting fed up with Myleene Klass?!?

Yes I agree she is a bit too much, the sad thing is that while shes promoting everything and being on every single show that asks her. Her little baby is growing up fast and shes missing it. I would much rather see Charlotte Church in the paper pushing her pram looking like shes been dragged through a hedge backwards than miss no sick on her shoulder Myleene Klass.

UK mums only. Is it just me or are other new mums getting fed up with Myleene Klass?!?

I totally agree, if we had a nanny, housemaid and all the other help she gets we would all have the time to look as good as she does. To me its just not reality, 'regular' mums do not have the time to compose a CD, write a book, appear on tv and still have the time to give 100% to our children. She should live a week without all her help and see how good she looks.

UK mums only. Is it just me or are other new mums getting fed up with Myleene Klass?!?

yeah i agree. but she is also missing out on alot of her child growing up whilst she is doing all this work and her child is with her nanny.

UK mums only. Is it just me or are other new mums getting fed up with Myleene Klass?!?

...but she's 'sexy' for the press, all sparkly and all London. Are women saying they didn't expect this dirge. I'm a UK dad (as was) but can understand the confusion and downright anger at her right now.

Neravair...top lass - is there not a weirder claim than someone of Klasses stature squealing '...but I'm a normal person, really'.

UK mums only. Is it just me or are other new mums getting fed up with Myleene Klass?!?

I'm an old mum and I'm getting fed up with her.....

UK mums only. Is it just me or are other new mums getting fed up with Myleene Klass?!?

they live on a Rainbow.

UK mums only. Is it just me or are other new mums getting fed up with Myleene Klass?!?

You are the real parents !!!!!!!!!!

Like me I'm a single father bring up my daughter ,

We don't need to keep bragging on how well we are doing

As parents who live in the REAL world we do our best for our children , and I'm proud of that

UK mums only. Is it just me or are other new mums getting fed up with Myleene Klass?!?

well we live in the real world, and we know what its like not to be able to afford the best of everything and not being able to have help at hand 24/7, she gets on my nerves a little because she claims she is a full time mom, but she does not realise that she is only a full time when she wants to be or she could not be on so many TV shows, someone has the baby while she is on them, i cant even go to the shop without planning it advance and getting the baby ready to come with me. i do understand that she is love with her baby, and thinks everyone has it as good as she does,i am happy for her, but also a bit envious of her at the same time,and your so right other peoples pregnancies and babies bore me. my own pregnancy bored me rigid,i hated it. so would not bore other people with it. but look here we are talking about her, so she must be doing something right!!!

UK mums only. Is it just me or are other new mums getting fed up with Myleene Klass?!?

She does my head in,everywhere you turn there she is.She is taking over the world!!!!!!!!!

UK mums only. Is it just me or are other new mums getting fed up with Myleene Klass?!?

here here!

UK mums only. Is it just me or are other new mums getting fed up with Myleene Klass?!?

I think more celebrity moms should take a leaf out of charlotte churches book.

She's a natural home birthing, breastfeeding, co-sleeping mommy, and she looks like a real woman too, and doesnt pretend like being a mom is a breeze. There are no nannies in her house.

UK mums only. Is it just me or are other new mums getting fed up with Myleene Klass?!?

I feel the same.

Even though my girls are 4 it was still harder than what she is saying.

UK mums only. Is it just me or are other new mums getting fed up with Myleene Klass?!?

its funny but no-one knows this about her. She used to live in a house that had cameras in and be watched by hundereds of pubescent boys undressing every day! It was called the dolls house and it was on Bravos (TV channel) website"! she REALLY isn't as innocent and pure as she portrays and yes,she really gets on my nerves

UK mums only. Is it just me or are other new mums getting fed up with Myleene Klass?!?

Why does she get on your nerves, didn't you know that she's the only woman ever to get pregnant and have a baby????

Sorry for the sarcasm but she is driving me bonkers, my pregnancy was tough, the birth was traumatic, suddenly looking after a newborn mostly on my own (family hardly involved and hubby working a lot) was like someone had dragged me through hell and back. I didn't know which way to turn, what i was supposed to do, i looked like crap, felt like crap and at that time it would not have been helpful to see miss perfect trying to show how amazing having a baby is.

In reality, yes it is amazing and lovey dovey...at some points, but mostly its hard work, stressful and you want to do your best by this lil one but never feel like you are good enough to get there. Luckily my daughter is 16 months and im with the attitude of "my daughters healthy, happy , well looked after and loved, if its not how you think it should be done, then balls to you", but back when she was newborn i was fragile. New mums want to see a mum in the same situation as them, so they know its ok not to look like a size 0, polished beauty queen after having a baby- these women like Mylene Class are not role models- the real women on the street living reality are the true role models!

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