Saturday, May 5, 2012

Help women only... How do i get a girl to approach me, but im so ugly! why do women judge on looks?

and I never EVER want to approach because I know i'll look more of an idiot trying to make a first approach on her because i'll get rejected and I know for a fact. i know this because women dont like to be approached. How do I become a celebrity so someone can atleast like me for what I look like. I never ever want to approach its a stupid game, all its showing is the man's desperateness and the woman rejects him because for whatever reason or she'll try to use him for money. How do you get a girlfriend? I'm 22, 5'10, 161lbs, black hair, blue eyes but as honest and truthfully to say, I can never see myself with a gf EVER. does this mean im gonna be single and ugly for the rest of my life? I will also prove to you to show you how ugly as I say I am.



Help women only... How do i get a girl to approach me, but im so ugly! why do women judge on looks?

Surely, ye jest. There is nothing ugly about the guy in those pictures in the least. He's really quite goodlooking. Question is, are you him or is this some sort of prank ON him? I honestly can't see how he is seen as ugly.

Help women only... How do i get a girl to approach me, but im so ugly! why do women judge on looks?

okay for one ur not that ugly and two looks arnt everything. i like a guy for there personality there looks are just a bonus quit acting like ur super ugly cuz ur not that bad ive totally seen worse

Help women only... How do i get a girl to approach me, but im so ugly! why do women judge on looks?

wow good luck

Help women only... How do i get a girl to approach me, but im so ugly! why do women judge on looks?

First of all, I'm sure you know you aren't ugly. You look like someone that must have been told they were cute all their life. Secondly, approaching someone does not show that you are desperate, it shows that you are willing to take steps to get things done. Also, women don't always reject guys and why would a woman use you for money? Are you rich or something?

I hope the guy I like doesn't think like that, because I am hoping for the day when he approaches me!

Help women only... How do i get a girl to approach me, but im so ugly! why do women judge on looks?

OK..You're totally hot...Just do it!!!

Help women only... How do i get a girl to approach me, but im so ugly! why do women judge on looks?

i know this is gonna be hard but forget about yur looks and what u think of yourself and just go up to a girl and start some conversation or however u like to do it, have a little confidence and you'll do fine and even if she does reject u it's better than that feeling thinking to yourself "maaan i wonder what she woulda said if i asked her?" just go for it remember confidence and btw yur not as ugly as u say u are

Help women only... How do i get a girl to approach me, but im so ugly! why do women judge on looks?

Are you just looking for attention or compliments?

1. you have gorgeous eyes

2. nice skin tone

3. nice dark hair.

your not ugly..don't be so rough on urself

Work on your confidence ( don't be obnoxious) and the rest will follow.

Be yourself and be honest.

Looks arent' everything...there are some really pretty jerks in the world....:o)

Help women only... How do i get a girl to approach me, but im so ugly! why do women judge on looks?

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