Saturday, May 5, 2012

Help women only..... How do i get a girl to like me? im so ugly! why do women judge on looks.?

and I never EVER want to approach because I know i'll look more of an idiot trying to make a first approach on her because i'll get rejected and I know for a fact. i know this because women dont like to be approached. How do I become a celebrity so someone can atleast like me for what I look like. I never ever want to approach its a stupid game, all its showing is the man's desperateness and the woman rejects him because for whatever reason or she'll try to use him for money. How do you get a girlfriend? I'm 22, 5'10, 161lbs, black hair, blue eyes but as honest and truthfully to say, I can never see myself with a gf EVER. does this mean im gonna be single and ugly for the rest of my life? I will also prove to you to show you how ugly as I say I am.



Help women only..... How do i get a girl to like me? im so ugly! why do women judge on looks.?

What the FUnk are you smoking? You are gorgeous. I'm guessing that you just lack self confidence. Get some and then you can "get some." lol.

Help women only..... How do i get a girl to like me? im so ugly! why do women judge on looks.?

you look a little gay Report It

Help women only..... How do i get a girl to like me? im so ugly! why do women judge on looks.?

Give me a break. You look fine. Try being friends with girls first and if you start to like someone as more than friends, try to develop a relationship from there.

Going up and approaching strangers RARELY works, for anyone.

Help women only..... How do i get a girl to like me? im so ugly! why do women judge on looks.?

dude, you JUST said you were SOOO UGLY!!!

Help women only..... How do i get a girl to like me? im so ugly! why do women judge on looks.?

1. u should start by not being so negative about urself... then respect... and idk u'll kno

Help women only..... How do i get a girl to like me? im so ugly! why do women judge on looks.?

You're not ugly. If you try going to some clubs alone, or to a restaurant, people will notice you. A lot of girls will approach guys if they are alone because it seems easier to us.

good luck xD

Help women only..... How do i get a girl to like me? im so ugly! why do women judge on looks.?

ur not ugly. i have seen guys wayyyyyy worse..

Help women only..... How do i get a girl to like me? im so ugly! why do women judge on looks.?

awww your not ugly!!!!!!

it just takes a little to find the right one, and we dont always judge on looks that just a goood thing to have in a guy but dont worry there is are LOTS of fish in the sea!!

Help women only..... How do i get a girl to like me? im so ugly! why do women judge on looks.?

You are crazy. You are extremely handsome and your eyes are beautiful. There are tons of women out there who I'm sure would love to date you. All you have to do is have a little self-confidence and introduce yourself to a woman you find attractive and start a conversation from there.

Help women only..... How do i get a girl to like me? im so ugly! why do women judge on looks.?

You're ugly? Yeah right

Help women only..... How do i get a girl to like me? im so ugly! why do women judge on looks.?

Come on now, you know you are not ugly. You just want to hear it. You are very handsome. Now go get 'em.

Help women only..... How do i get a girl to like me? im so ugly! why do women judge on looks.?

my sister is her and she said that you look Italian and that you are cute but she is young so ya.

but you are not ugly i would rate you a 10.

Help women only..... How do i get a girl to like me? im so ugly! why do women judge on looks.?

ur not ugly...ur adorable

Help women only..... How do i get a girl to like me? im so ugly! why do women judge on looks.?

For starters u are not ugly, u need to get some self esteem about ya.

Learn to love yourself and think of yourself as gorgeous.

Next, be a Man, not a mice.

Approach a gal and ask her out. Girls rather u approach them.

Stop thinkin negative about yourself is the key in your situation.

THink positive and positive things will happen fast...Good Luck!

Help women only..... How do i get a girl to like me? im so ugly! why do women judge on looks.?

come on man..."why do women judge on looks?" ...the same reason we judge women by looks.

start being more confident, girls like confidence and the ability to hold a conversation with them and present them with a challenge.

Help women only..... How do i get a girl to like me? im so ugly! why do women judge on looks.?

Women can smell low self-esteem from a mile away. Get some self-esteem and you'll be fine.

Help women only..... How do i get a girl to like me? im so ugly! why do women judge on looks.?

Dont feel so bad about yourself. A rule in nature among animals, is to mate, no matter if you get rejected. If a male fails, he tries again with a different female. So you give it a try. And a part of playing the game, you are going to have to play too. So get to it.

Help women only..... How do i get a girl to like me? im so ugly! why do women judge on looks.?


Hit me up in 5 years;;I'll be legal[:

you're nice problem there...are you just way too shy? Idk, but dammmmn you're FINEEEE.


Good Luck.

Help women only..... How do i get a girl to like me? im so ugly! why do women judge on looks.?

you're not ugly!!! I'll date you...its a turn off for someone to have low self esteem so that may be scaring the girls away...also, dress nice and smell good...that always helps!

Help women only..... How do i get a girl to like me? im so ugly! why do women judge on looks.?

You are cute. Don't put yourself down so much, a girl can sense that some how, I know it sounds funny, but it's true. Just be yourself, love yourself, and the perfect girl will come along for you.

Help women only..... How do i get a girl to like me? im so ugly! why do women judge on looks.?

Listen buddy, your first problem right off the bat is the confidence man... its nothing to do with your looks with girls BELIEVE ME... its mostly personality... and that doesnt mean being the perfect gentleman and treating her like a queen either!

look at all the times you see a drop dead gorgeous women with a pretty bad looking guy... clearly its not the looks, hes just a guy that has confidence, probably makes her laugh and is interesting, no girl wants a boring guy! You need to show your a MAN not a little boy

and women like to be approached if its done right... dont go right up to a girl and compliment her, she's probably heard the same line about 100 other times that day! do the exact opposite... make fun of her GET HER ATTENTION... remember to stand out you gotta be different and exciting!

good luck!!

Help women only..... How do i get a girl to like me? im so ugly! why do women judge on looks.?

what are you talking about i love your eyes... maybe stop trying so hard and let it all come naturally.... dont put your self out there in the dating world so much have a little mystory.... and hold back a little... talk to a girl that you like because you like to talk to her not just cause you want her to be your girlfriend or get in her pants... you have to have more confidence boy! If you are self consiosus then its going to be hard for a girl to want to talk to you if your not comfortable in your own skin so the speak walk in there and strut your stuff even if you dont feel hot dont let that show! I know you can do it just keep telling yourself you can good luck!!

Help women only..... How do i get a girl to like me? im so ugly! why do women judge on looks.?

ok, i dont think its your image they are worried about. You see women have a good sensor (well at least the smart ones do) of when a guy has low self confidence, and when i run my dectector by you, it starts beeping.

I think that you arent cutting yourself enough slack.

Either that or you have horrible manners/social skills which keep the girls running in the opposite direction.

Bottom line, Self confidence is hot. But not too much. You have to find the happy medium.

Help women only..... How do i get a girl to like me? im so ugly! why do women judge on looks.?

You are a hottie! Not ugly at all. Whoever told you that was blind and stupid! Just get over your insecurities and start talking to girls about casual stuff, you might come across a girl that'll ask you out.

Help women only..... How do i get a girl to like me? im so ugly! why do women judge on looks.?

First of all, you need to stop being so negative and gain some more self confidence. Sometimes, women aren't attracted to a guy's looks, but more on the way they carry themselves. You want to portray a very self confident guy. I know this might sounds ridiculous, but at first you might have the fake or pretend you have that self confidence. You know what they say, "fake it until you make it." After making yourself believe you are very self-confident for a while, you won't even have to pretend anymore. It'll be like second nature to you. After you have higher self-esteem women will be more drawn to you, believe me on that one.

Help women only..... How do i get a girl to like me? im so ugly! why do women judge on looks.?

dude ur so not ugly

just try to act kool and dont act all despret act kool

gurls are big suke ups for big blue dreamt eyes like urs

dont worry ull get the perfect gurl :) :) :)

Help women only..... How do i get a girl to like me? im so ugly! why do women judge on looks.?

You've gotta be kidding me, your not ugly at all but very attractive. Maybe since your so negative, you give off that vibe. People can pick up on that and feel that you are stand-offish. Try being more positive, and when you go out be confident. It'll attract people to you.

Help women only..... How do i get a girl to like me? im so ugly! why do women judge on looks.?

you are not ugly! i'd love to have a guy approach me....... sadly that won't happen.....

Help women only..... How do i get a girl to like me? im so ugly! why do women judge on looks.?

first you can't think all women just want you for your money! second your 22 its not like youre old you got time. you need to work on this "ugly" thing no woman wants a guy who constantly downs on himself

Help women only..... How do i get a girl to like me? im so ugly! why do women judge on looks.?

I have kind of a hard time believing you think you are ugly. It seems like this is a ploy to try and get people to tell you you're hot, but if you're asking to have your ego stroked maybe you really don't know that you are attractive. Either way, you are definitely not ugly, you're quite handsome actually. And I can tell you from personal experience that nothing turns a girl off more than low self-esteem. I'm dealing with it now as a matter of fact, a friend expressed feelings for me and the single thing keeping me from returning those feelings is that he has the lowest self-esteem I've ever seen in a person. He's constantly beating himself down, picking apart every little thing he does and trying to find out what's wrong with it. NOT HOT AT ALL!! You really need to focus on building yourself up right now. You can do that with therapy (there's got to be a reason you feel this way), finding things you enjoy and are good at to boost your confidence level, are you in school? work? clubs? Get a life going for yourself and things will work out.

Help women only..... How do i get a girl to like me? im so ugly! why do women judge on looks.?

First of all, BREATHE!!! You are not too ugly to have a gf, and believe it or not, lots of girls don't judge based on appearances. If you have a good heart, and are honest with her, you will have her wrapped around your finger.

Maybe make the move on Valentines day. Try leaving a small bouquet of flowers (like 3 or 4 flowers) on her door step, or windshield of her car, with a small note attached with your name and number. She will love it, trust me.

Help women only..... How do i get a girl to like me? im so ugly! why do women judge on looks.?

You might feel ugly inside but let me tell ya right now you are not ugly in the slightest bit. If you keep having this attitude that you will get rejected women will sense this everytime you are with them and run. Don't try and be perfect when you are with someone because it makes you look stiff and uncomfortable and then us girls thinks it's us and we get offended and want to hide. Just play it cool and let her lead sometimes. Goodluck you manly hunk you. :-)

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