Saturday, May 5, 2012

Someone interpret this dream plz?

I had a dream last night..that i was best friends with rihanna, and she was telling me that she wanted to sing with me and help me start a music career. Then she touched my hair and asked me how i got my hair to be so healthy..and while i was telling her...her house...which was next doorr...was in the middle of a hurricane. The outside of the house was fine..but the inside was empty and dark and full of stone. The ouside of the house was also made of grey was pretty but looked gloomy. I thought the dream was weird because iv never dreamt of a celebrity before

Someone interpret this dream plz?

hi my name is michael from dream

rihanne wants to tap you to become successfull, the dreams states that if you push your career in singing , your career in public will just like a hurricane in the world, you have a good voice, try to join american Idol, the house with an empty interprets that if you did not try to a singing career. your life will be like an empty dark and full of stone left behind.

Someone interpret this dream plz?

You wish?

Your dreaming.

Someone interpret this dream plz?

You were probably listening to her song Umbrella before you fell asleep. o_O

Someone interpret this dream plz?

you will have this period since you saw a celeberity...this is always a good sign....

Someone interpret this dream plz?

Houses in dreams represent your own soul and yourself.

Gloomy run down houses usually represent that you old beliefs and way of thinking OR that you need to update your way of thinking.

When you see hurricanes in your dream it normally means that there are 'unexpected' changes going on in your life at the moment.

And funnily enough, when you dream that you are best pals with a celeb, it normally means that there is a someone you are close to in your life that you wish was living up to the vision you have of them.

Hope i have helped :-)

Someone interpret this dream plz?

I disagree with all of the above.

I think that Rihanna has some quality that you admire or feel that you lack, and in your dream she wanted to work with you because in waking life you want to work on acquiring this trait.

Hair symbolizes your thoughts in dreams - so it is interesting that she touched your hair and commented that it was healthy.

A house usually represents the person dreaming, but since the house belonged to Rihanna and not you, and was next door, it may represent someone close to you - probably a family member.

The house is empty, dark, full of stone, and in the middle of a hurricane - all indicators of an emotional state that is not balanced - perhaps you are surrounded by others whose thought processes are not as healthy as yours?

The fact that you dreamed about singing and starting a music career with help from a professional - I think that there is something creative that you can do with your life - not necessarily singing - but something for which you have a talent and at which you could excel, and your subconscious was trying to let you know this.

Someone interpret this dream plz?

Music industry or celebrities if your remember correctly were satan's career before he rebelled and fell from heaven. So you may have this talent but you need to pray hard to achieve it. Its a flashy talent but with obstacles to overcome. It also shows that you are someone better in life than how you rate yourself.

Someone interpret this dream plz?

Your dream sounds more like you are seeing a aspect of a celebrity's life on the outside, but the inside of the life is in turmoil and darkness. For example, she tells you all the nice things you would expect from people. That they want to be friends with you. They are encouraging and helpful. They compliment you about your hair and so on. But your subconscious is telling you that celebrities put on a mask on the outside, but their lives on the inside seem to be caught up in storms, obscurity, darkness, turmoil.

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