Saturday, May 5, 2012

Why Chinese people try to be other race?

Why Chinese people try to look and act like other races?

Be it in Singapore, HongKong, China, Taiwan or wherever, the Chinese people like to act like other race.

They will go plastic surgery, dye hair, do lots of make-up, follow their fashions, having fake accent. Look at their celebrity too, look at Jay Chou etc.

Most Chinese tend to act like American caucasians, or basically any caucasians. Going to parties just like the Caucasians, having Halloween party etc.

What is wrong with the Chinese people?

I am not racist, i have lots of Chinese friends, but i only find them(alot of them) trying to be other race.

Why Chinese people try to be other race?

We all want what we don't have.

Why Chinese people try to be other race?

only Chinese??', Japanese, Philippines, Thai, ..Asian in general. Report It

Why Chinese people try to be other race?

I don't agree with you. Report It

Why Chinese people try to be other race?

This is all irrelevant anyway because there is now a lot of scientific evidence, by Chinese geneticists no less, that Chinese people (and everyone else including Caucasians) are originally from AFRICA: Report It

Why Chinese people try to be other race?

The guy named "Dinner" gave the best answer. Report It

Why Chinese people try to be other race?

I don't think it has anything to do with the Chinese. I personally know many Chinese people who are very proud of the way they are and their heritage. It is more of a personal issue, which is apparent in people of all races. Some people just don't connect to their heritage as well as others do, but its not necessarily a bad thing. Its a matter of choice. And the means. They do what they want to because it makes them feel good. Its free will and they're exercising it.

Why Chinese people try to be other race?

Well, the reason why so many Chinese tend to act like other races is because their own race isn't that appealing. If you take a look at Communist China, for example, the main themes that you come up with are things like Poverty, Denial of Basic Human Rights, Suppression of Various Freedoms, Corruption, and so on. So when Chinese look at countries like the U.S. and Japan and see all the freedom, advanced technologies, etc., they naturally want to be like them.

Why Chinese people try to be other race?

It would seem that Chinese people (and others) just want to enjoy the same things we do - the question could also have been asked why do Caucasian people have surgery, dye their hair, have fun parties, etc.

Maybe as a human race we all enjoy experimenting

Why Chinese people try to be other race?

Almost everyone is Westernised today, fashion, MTV, Hollywood and I guess its part of life.

I don't dye my hair, don't wear brands, keep my Chinese roots and is proud of it, speaks your language (not by choice) since the whole world is speaking primarily English.

I consider myself as more an Asiatic than Chinese, liberal but not entirely Westernised.

Yours is not a racist remark but pop-culture is what you've been observing. Chinese, Indians, Malays, Caucasians they are all trying to have that today's look.

Question to ponder, why are so many Afro-americans trying to bleach themselves fairer? Pop-culture I think.

Why Chinese people try to be other race?

so do some white and some black people in the US

Why Chinese people try to be other race?

No matter what race.. many people are not happy with their lives and think by changing their appearance will help... but it doesn't.. it is only a temporary fix.. it is what is going on in the inside and dealing with problems that will solve what is hurting them.

Why Chinese people try to be other race?

we all trying to be other race.

Why Chinese people try to be other race?

what is wrong is that chinese people (at least the ones around your own little world) are losing pride in their own identity and allow themselves to be brainwashed that what is western and caucasian is more superior.

Why Chinese people try to be other race?

Your question is incorrect.

Chinese, Japanese and Koreans all do that. A lot of Asians dye their hair or have highlights but that's not an "Asian phenomenon."

But people here in America do it a lot as well. Women here dye their hair blonde, brown, red, black, etc. Also, highlights here in the US is quite common. Caucasians dye their hair or make streaks/highlights more than any other group.

And just dyeing your hair blond or brown doesn't mean you're trying to mimic another race.

"Most Chinese tend to act like American caucasians, or basically any caucasians. Going to parties just like the Caucasians, having Halloween party etc"

Are you saying that going to parties and celebrating Halloween is "caucasian?"

Why Chinese people try to be other race?

I am a bit surprised you missed Japanese. Take a stroll in Tokyo and you will see a lot more dyed-blondes than in any other Chinese cities combined.

You question carries a lot of false assumptions.

When has "lots of make-up" been something exclusively for a non-Chinese race (whatever this race you presume, Caucasians?) I am sure Chinese invented make-up long before western women bought their first lip-sticks.

As for plastic surgery, again, I do not know it is race-oriented. As far as I know, this is popular in the show business but not the average people. I suppose it's the same in the US or the West.

As for parties, when have westerners "monopolized parties" as if Chinese do not have parties to celebrate? As for Halloween party, it's just like X'mas, a western festival goes global. If you have problem with that, you should ask your blonde fellows why did they try to eat with chopsticks or eat Chinese food at all!!

There's nothing wrong with Chinese people, there's just something wrong with a westerner who have issues with

(a) western cultures going global

(b) westernized Chinese

but blind to see westerners engaging in the Chinese culture.

Why Chinese people try to be other race?

all your allegations are not an "Asian" thing. and since when has going to parties a Caucasian practice?

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