Tuesday, April 24, 2012

ThE WoRlD's HaRdEsT RiDdLe??

Try and guess the answer to this riddle. The first one to get it right or close, they will be selected as the best answer. If no one answers right, I will post the right answer through e-mail or just here. Thanks and good luck!

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ThE WoRlD's HaRdEsT RiDdLe

I turn polar bears white

and I will make you cry.

I make guys have to pee

and girls comb their hair.

I make celebrities look stupid

and normal people look like celebrities.

I turn pancakes brown

and make your champane bubble.

If you sqeeze me, I'll pop.

If you look at me, you'll pop.

Can you guess the riddle?

97% of Harvard graduates can not figure this riddle out, but 84% of kindergarten students were able to figure this out in 6 minutes or less. Can you guess the correct answer? Just repost this bulletin with the title "The World's Hardest Riddle", and then check your inbox. You'll get a message with the correct answer in it. Good luck

ThE WoRlD's HaRdEsT RiDdLe??

I think the answer is, "no"

If you read all the stuff (the riddle) to a kindergarten students including the LAST SENTENCE (can you guess the riddle?), which by the way is part of the riddle, of course they can't and will answer "no." The reason the harvard graduates can not figure this riddle out because they will tried to use logic, chemistry , etc. to figure it out.

Well, that's what i think

ThE WoRlD's HaRdEsT RiDdLe??

That is right... the answer is "no"

http://teensetc.com/0F/0D/BI/i... Report It

ThE WoRlD's HaRdEsT RiDdLe??

That riddle sucked Report It

ThE WoRlD's HaRdEsT RiDdLe??

omg ur all wrong Report It

ThE WoRlD's HaRdEsT RiDdLe??

here's y u all guessed wrong..


The time has come,

winter is here

and those yellow bears disappear.

The time has past

as man looks back with a sigh

and a tear in his eye.

As time is held

boys cross their legs

but of course the toilet begs Report It

ThE WoRlD's HaRdEsT RiDdLe??

As time marches on

Girls loose their blush

and swap a comb for their brush

As time passes

For those held high

their end is nigh Report It

ThE WoRlD's HaRdEsT RiDdLe??

As time catches up

Everyone is equal

when we get to the final sequel

As time turns

Without it we have flour and water

With it we have breakfast for my daughter

As time revolves

How does one turn water and wine

into something so fine Report It

ThE WoRlD's HaRdEsT RiDdLe??

As time runs out

The more in a minute you try and squeeze

the less you can do with ease.

As time ticks

All the time that has past

man cannot comprehend something so vast. Report It

ThE WoRlD's HaRdEsT RiDdLe??

Its a Neil Gaiman poem, where kids know so well. :P Report It

ThE WoRlD's HaRdEsT RiDdLe??

the answer is "no" Report It

ThE WoRlD's HaRdEsT RiDdLe??

The answer is "the world's hardest." Report It

ThE WoRlD's HaRdEsT RiDdLe??

I don't know

ThE WoRlD's HaRdEsT RiDdLe??






*I don't know, so I give up. Nice riddle.


ThE WoRlD's HaRdEsT RiDdLe??


ThE WoRlD's HaRdEsT RiDdLe??

I think its a trick question. Theres not just one answer for this. There cant be. The only thing that turns polar bears white is the sun. Cuz polar bears arent white unless the sun reflects on them a certain way. Their fur is really clear and little tubes for the sun and heat to get to the skin. And heat also makes pancakes brown when you cook them. But what about everything else? Theres no, One answer.

ThE WoRlD's HaRdEsT RiDdLe??

I think some kid with no life sitting in his parent's basement came up with this and was really just pulling words out of his butt and now everyone is stressing out about it. Myself included.

ThE WoRlD's HaRdEsT RiDdLe??


ThE WoRlD's HaRdEsT RiDdLe??

air... wind?

ThE WoRlD's HaRdEsT RiDdLe??

What the hell this is bunk?

ThE WoRlD's HaRdEsT RiDdLe??

Gunna guess Pressure!

ThE WoRlD's HaRdEsT RiDdLe??


ThE WoRlD's HaRdEsT RiDdLe??


ThE WoRlD's HaRdEsT RiDdLe??

The sun.

ThE WoRlD's HaRdEsT RiDdLe??

I think the answer is God.

ThE WoRlD's HaRdEsT RiDdLe??

THe sun?

ThE WoRlD's HaRdEsT RiDdLe??

pressure...idk...i just wanna know the answer

ThE WoRlD's HaRdEsT RiDdLe??

Nothing, or No.

ThE WoRlD's HaRdEsT RiDdLe??

the answer is no.

ThE WoRlD's HaRdEsT RiDdLe??

pressure, salt, no

ThE WoRlD's HaRdEsT RiDdLe??

i have no clue.. pressure?

ThE WoRlD's HaRdEsT RiDdLe??

whats the answer

ThE WoRlD's HaRdEsT RiDdLe??


ThE WoRlD's HaRdEsT RiDdLe??

i think the answer is no

ThE WoRlD's HaRdEsT RiDdLe??

It's me or yourself.

ThE WoRlD's HaRdEsT RiDdLe??


ThE WoRlD's HaRdEsT RiDdLe??


ThE WoRlD's HaRdEsT RiDdLe??


ThE WoRlD's HaRdEsT RiDdLe??

Is It Pressure Or Bakeing Soda

ThE WoRlD's HaRdEsT RiDdLe??


ThE WoRlD's HaRdEsT RiDdLe??


ThE WoRlD's HaRdEsT RiDdLe??


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